Compliance Initiative

Compliance in motion

We, at EIFEC, always strive to boost all initiatives that may fall within our mission aimed to foster international security and disseminating behaviours of excellence through the effective implementation of the specialized Compliance management frameworks based on International Standards we publish.

We have developed a multidisciplinary knowlegde and competence that allows, by innovation, to define and publish Standards, guidelines and certification mechanisms for emergency situations or critical areas of any nature that are a threat to international security as of nuclear, biological and chemical armaments proliferation, Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), Sanctions.

Compliance to fight the pandemic negative consequences for organisations

Lately, the new unprecedented critical life-threatening emergency of COVID-19 pandemic urged us to develop emergency sound practices, policies and the maximum effort of standardization of procedures that can be verified and certified by accredited qualified third parties (Assurance aim).

We have put to work our skills and network to develop the new emergency Standards (EIFEC ES2001.06:HBY Series) with the support of UNIFEC, the network of leading world Universities (coordinated by EIFEC), and several expert groups such as HEALTHBY and many others.

To find more , go and visit the dedicated section

Compliance for all

As early as 2011, we, at EIFEC, introduced in our Standards the foundational principle of justice for compliance: "Unicuique suum" (i.e. "to each its own").

We did so with the full belief that "although not everyone can become a great organization, any organization can be grand in compliance.".....

To find more , go and visit the dedicated section

Turkey and Cyprus

We are monitoring the quasi conflict  situation in the mediterranean sea  and working for the the new sanctions framework under preparation by EU

Our Office in Cyprus is actively collaborating with all institutions and organizations. 

EU University and Academia Export Control Guidelines

European Commission is working on drafting the new guidelines for University, Academia and Research Center.

EIFEC and its University network (including US univerities) are actively collaborating within the TEG-Research. Last meeting was held on 24/06/2020

For more information


This is the EIFEC Global site.

We are the Export Compliance international standard-setting body and has the multidisciplinary knowledge and competence that allows to define and develop, by innovation, Standards, guidelines and certification mechanisms for emergency situations or critical areas of any nature.

The main areas covered are the threat of nuclear, biological and chemical armaments proliferation, sanctions, AML, Health Emergency Risk in epidemic context.
